R101 launches its new communication campaign…“Molto personale”

The communication plan will be spread out across 2011 and focus on the station’s key programmes

R101 has launched a new communication campaign. In fact, after having reviewed and reconfigured its musical offer with an even more exciting playlists and expanded its team of presenters, R101 presents a campaign, that will be spread across 2011 and focus, at different times, on some of the station’s leading programmes and voices.

The campaign, which is being run by the Tita agency, will start with an initial project dedicated to Marco Balestri and his show “Molto personale”, on the air every day from 5pm to 7 pm on R101. During the show, Italian listeners talk to and confide in the presenter about relationships and feelings, exchanging ideas and sharing “highly personal”, as happens in a real confessional.

And this forms the basis of the creative idea: Marco Balestri dressed as a priest, with a black cassock and purple fascia, in the confessional of a church…. “There’s only one problem. He can’t keep a secret”. The headlines and slogan of the campaign, closely linked to the images of the presenter, immediately reveal that we’re not dealing with a traditional priest: “Più che fedeli, ha ascoltatori fedeli”; “Meno siete casti, più si diverte”, “Ama il prossimo tuo. E poi raccontaci i particolari” (More than devotees, he has devoted listeners”, “The less chaste you are, the more fun he’ll have”, “Love thy neighbour, then gives us the details”).

With this campaign R101 has decided to focus on particular on consumer magazines, with extensive planning on Mondadori titles. The ads, which alternate four subjects (on single pages and double-page spreads), have been designed to generate a strong communicative impact on the reader. The creative team is Annamaria Santoro, art director and Andrea Masciullo, copywriter. The photographer is Reed Young.